
How To Start A Subscription Based Service

by Kate Harvey

Over the last decade, the number of successful subscription-based businesses accept been multiplying year-over-year. "Successful" tin hold various meanings from billion dollar unicorns to profitable small businesses that provide a adept living and quality of life for entrepreneurs. Either way, the subscription economic system is here to stay and has a bright and prosperous future. If yous're ready to create your own recurring revenue concern, y'all're in luck:

"Cheers to the proliferation of inexpensive, reliable, virtual technology, anyone with some spare greenbacks and an idea tin start a company, which means that lean starting time-ups have a chance to step into well established marketplaces and lure dissatisfied customers with more agile delivery models," according to The Economist Intelligence Unit.

While in that location is a lot of opportunity for subscription-based businesses, there are also common mistakes made by founders. Don't worry, we've got your back.

We're putting our years of recurring acquirement expertise to piece of work for you and in today's blog you'll learn the pinnacle 7 mistakes to avoid when starting a subscription business concern.

Mistake #one: Not doing your research

With the subscription economy booming, many people are excited to dive right in. Don't. Information technology is important that you do your research showtime.

Entrepreneurs are often then passionate nigh their ideas, they can lose objectivity. Rather than taking the fourth dimension to thoroughly plan and research, they sometimes turn ahead with execution, simply to spend valuable dollars on unfocused or untargeted activities.

Nancy A. Shenker, Founder & CEO, theONswitch

Problem/Solution fit. Is there a need that your product or service provides a solution for? To identify a trouble and verify your subscription business will be providing an effective solution you tin:

  • Talk to potential customers
  • Expect at the questions people are asking in relevant online forums/communities
  • Enquiry search term volumes and trends on search engines for terms related to the problem

Competitive assay. Are at that place already competitors in your market? "Though y'all might believe at that place'south currently no competition for your new product, put yourself in the shoes of your customers and consider what they could buy instead of what you lot're planning to offering," explains economist Alex Pejak.

The first footstep is to place those competitors and the second step is to research the competition. Look at their branding, offering, features, etc.

Be unique. You're looking to enter a market place that likely already has some competitors. How volition your subscription-based business differ from your competition? Will your subscription offering provide anything unique? Put simply, why would potential customers buy from you instead of your competition? Note: It shouldn't be solely based on price (which we will encompass in just a moment).

Know your customer. Once you've identified a problem/solution fit, your competitors, and how your recurring revenue business volition differ from competitors, you lot should have a practiced idea of who your target client is. Information technology doesn't demand to be ingrained in stone, but you should have a solid understanding of your target market place. If your production will be geared towards a very niche audience, y'all should do boosted research to ensure there is enough of a market to back up the production.

Groove CEO Alex Turnbull says if he had to get back and offset all over, 1 of the highest-ROI tasks he would exercise from day one would be to "acquire everything we possibly can almost our customers, including their pains, challenges and goals, and the verbal way that they talk about those things."

One time you lot've done the research outlined in the points above, you should be able to easily fill-in-the-blanks (below) for your own subscription business thought:

product vision subscription business

Don't start building your product before you have the answers to fill in the sentence above!

Error #2: Not providing good back up & customer success from day i

subscription business mistakes

Sometimes when founders commencement a recurring billing business they focus more on the product and how to larn new users rather than how they'll be able to help existing subscribers succeed. Nosotros've mentioned in previous blogs that it costs significantly more than to acquire new customers than it does to retain your existing subscribers—anywhere from 5–7 times more depending on the study results you lot're looking at.

Potent customer relationships are cardinal to retaining customers, and you should be striving to provide your subscribers with a good customer feel from twenty-four hour period one. Some of the many benefits of customer success include:

  • Reduced churn
  • Increased customer lifetime value
  • Customers become champions for your product or service (and refer others)

Both customer success and support teams help retain customers, simply in that location are distinct differences between the two roles. This isn't to say 1 office is more of import than the other.

Customer support is a reactive office: they're unremarkably responding to technical, production, or billing questions or issues from customers. Customer success is a proactive role: they monitor customer accounts and proactively reach out to help ensure subscribers are getting the most value from the product or service.

customer success vs customer support

The graphic to a higher place highlights some additional differences and for a deeper dive into the topic you tin can check out our mail: Where To Describe The Line: Inbound Sales vs. Client Success vs. Customer Back up.

Mistake #3: Waiting besides long before charging for your product/service

The biggest mistake new founders make is building, then selling. They've got it backwards. The merely way to measure product/market fit is through sales. Until your users have really started paying yous coin for your product, you lot haven't proven there's a demand for it.

Efti was speaking to startups, but any subscription business tin can benefit from charging prior to product availability. According to journalist Terry Stanley, "front-of-the-line, early on access subscription services" may be "i of the most fertile niches" in the subscription economic system.

mishibox July 2016 Box grande

MISHIBOX, a Korean beauty products subscription box, had hundreds of pre-orders before they had even launched. And let's non forget Kickstarter, whose success is based on consumers paying coin for products they don't have a guarantee they'll see a final production on.

Nosotros know, information technology can seem a bit counter-intuitive to charge for a product earlier it actually exists. Notwithstanding, charging early and accepting pre-orders can help differentiate the tire kickers from qualified prospects. It also means you can get more than qualified feedback and accept positive cashflow earlier.

You lot tin discover a template for your pre-club sales pitch in the blog post How (and why) to accuse money for products that don't be yet.

Mistake #4: Not charging plenty for your subscription product or service

Before nosotros asked how your subscription business will be unique and different from competitors. If your answer was cost, yous're already making a mistake.

Price should not exist your major competitive advantage. If a new competitor comes in at a lower price, you tin can't proceed lowering your price until you're out of concern (well, technically you lot can, but after reading this blog you lot'll know not to do that).

Many founders underestimate the value of their product. If yous've done your homework and identified in that location is a demand your subscription business is providing a solution for, take that into account when determining pricing. The value of your product should match your price. Here's a formula to become yous started:

(Perceived value) 10 iii = Starting toll

Don't be afraid to utilise the development phase to test your pricing. "If you recollect your product is worth $250, sell it for $500, only to see what happens. You might exist surprised," advises Efti.

Mistake #5: Focusing on getting everything "perfect"

analysis paralysis subscription product launch

Ah, analysis paralysis: over-thinking something and then much you aren't able to make a decision or take activeness on it. Don't be so focused on getting the pricing, features of your production, website, etc. so "perfect" that you lot delay the launch.

Pricing. Yous're not going to boom pricing the first time around.  Instead, start simple with 2-3 pricing tiers and so experiment and modify over time (as you get more user data and your company scales). In addition to experimenting with different price plans, you may desire to test complimentary trials or including a freemium plan.

Fifty-fifty existing, successful subscription-based businesses should keep to test pricing as the company grows and markets modify.

Product. You probably won't smash your product or service the start time around. And that's ok. Ideally, you've simply created a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The MVP concept was conceived and defined by Eric Ries as "that version of a new production which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least endeavour."

feedback loop learn build measure

The feedback loop (above) is essential. The core elements of the feedback loop are "Build, Measure, Learn." It allows your visitor to constantly measure for success and make small changes based on metrics and learnings. The procedure has to offset somewhere and will never finish…

Keep. Information technology. Simple. Whether it is your product, pricing, business description, or the signup process, be sure to keep things elementary for your customers. Especially when you're commencement starting your business. Many subscription companies use a "how it works" webpage to explicate their subscription model. Jewelbits does this and keeps the explanation very simple:

jewelbits how it works subscription business

Mistake #6: Not proverb no

We get it, you accept a new subscription business and subscribers interested enough that they're making characteristic requests — it's exciting! Simply you have to know when to say "no" and y'all need to be able to say it. More features means resources going towards creating and maintaining each added feature. And don't forget that feature-laden products aren't necessarily user friendly.

intercom save no feature creep

Focus on quality over quantity. Don't jump the gun to satisfy one or two customers; every bit yous grow y'all'll be able to add together well idea out features that are easy to utilise and enhance the overall customer experience.

Here are some things to consider when deciding whether to say "yes" or "no" to a new feature:

  • Does the asking align with the overarching product goals?
  • What time/resource would be involved to create and maintain the feature?
  • Review the data related to features users currently utilise and those they don't.
  • Mind to customer feedback (but exist articulate to determine between customers' needs and wants).
  • How user friendly with the new feature really be?
  • How would it impact the existing workflow?
  • How would the new feature impact existing users?
  • Compare short-term value to long-term effect

For more than information check out our mail service on Characteristic Creep: What Causes It & How To Avert It.

Mistake #7: Trying to build your own recurring billing system (the "buy vs. build" fence)

When getting started, y'all're typically limited by time and resources, specially evolution resources. The nominal fee you'll pay for a best-of-breed tool like Chargify (shameless plug) is peanuts compared to what you'll spend over weeks or months edifice and maintaining your own system with similar functionality. Not to mention the do good of being able to instantly launch and monetize your products.

No, we're non saying this because it's what we do and provide at Chargify. This point is the verbal reason why we built Chargify, and it's a recurring theme nosotros constantly hear from our customers.

Zoey founder Uri Foox describes building your own recurring billing arrangement every bit an "iceberg consequence." Initially you only see a few bones billing bug, only once you've started building and using your ain recurring billing system you realize all the complexities involved.

When you're starting (and growing) a visitor, yous'll demand to dedicate all resources toward research, working on your product/service, and serving your customers. Anthony Eden, Founder of DNSimple, stated that "with our subscriptions and recurring billing running through Chargify, we are able to focus on our product and growing our concern."

Managing subscribers and recurring billing is non a core competency of your startup, and then production aside, don't waste resource on building your own system. Focus on your business concern!


The opportunities for subscription models continue to grow as businesses and consumers increasingly prefer subscription admission to goods and services rather than outright ownership. Before y'all brand a move to capitalize on the popularity of recurring revenue business organization models, brand sure you lot avert these common mistakes when starting a subscription business:

  • Not doing your research
  • Not providing back up & customer success from day 1
  • Waiting too long before charging for your product
  • Not charging enough for your product
  • Focusing on having everything "perfect"
  • Not saying "no"
  • Trying to build your ain recurring billing system

Did we miss annihilation? Let the states know in the comments below what mistakes you lot've learned while starting a subscription business concern.

Related reads:

  • Starting A Subscription Box Concern: thirteen Experts Share Their Tips
  • 11 SaaS Leaders Share The Worst SaaS Advice They've Always Heard
  • Startup Mythbusters: 12 Startup Myths & The Truth Behind Them

How To Start A Subscription Based Service,


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