
Ds3 How To Get To Rosaria's Bed Chamber

Full Cathedral of the Deep Walkthrough

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Finding Paladin's Ashes and Crest Shield

From the firstBlaze, to the left you tin follow the path down to take on a dagger-wielding enemy and behind information technology, Paladin's Ashes (this enemy will sneak up backside you while yous fight the axe-wielding enemy at the tiptop of the stairs if you do non kill him commencement.) Head up the staircase to take on an axe-wielding NPC who also tosses throwing knives at y'all. He'll drop the Spider Shield. If yous head to the left of the stairs into the wooded area, you can find a corpse with a Titanite Shard 1x. To the right of the stairs, follow a path a drop down to the lower path. Follow the path upward to find a Crest Shield.

Keep upwardly the stairs through the archway and into the wooded area. You will encounter undead dogs and hollows perched on the stone walls firing flaming bolts at you lot. This can exist a cluttered area trying to fight off the dogs and contrivance the bolts, and then utilise the environment to your reward by using the trees to block bolts while engaging the dogs. Once you have cleared the enemies, you are safety to grab the Big Soul of an Unknown Traveler that sits on a ledge to the correct of this area.

Cleansing Chapel

Go on forward into the next area where a self-immolating hollow will accuse you, you will encounter many of these enemies in the Cathedral. The best fashion to fight them is to charge at them and kill them before they have a chance to transform. Enter the cathedral ahead and open up the double doors to find and light aBlazein front of an altar. In the corner of the cathedral is a corpse with the Notched Whip. If yous accept bought the Ashes of Arandiel DLC, there will be a human or a slice of a pigment nearby the chantry. Collaborate with them to beginning the DLC content. It's worth noting that Siegward's quest can be furthered here, he'due south in the well nearby the entrance. He appears in one case y'all have opened the double door that from the Cathedral pb to the graveyard.

Exit the church building and head right, where you find a grouping of hollows in prayer around a corpse. Dispatch them to loot the Estus Shard 1x from the corpse. Continue upward the aging stone stairs and enter through the open gate. On the path ahead will be many zombie-similar, Reanimated Corpses. Continue forrad until you come to a path on your left. Take that path, with more zombies, and on your left, you tin can accept another path where a zombie is crouched in front of a gravestone. You tin boodle a corpse here for an Astora Greatsword. If you continue to explore the network of paths in this graveyard yous tin detect a Fading Soul 1x and Executioner's Greatsword. Looting this will trigger a zombie deadfall. If yous head up the path on the hill right to the correct of the gravestone with the sword you will come to a ledge where you lot can drop down to a path where a solitary hollow lurks. Head upwards this path and cross stone walkway/span.

Dispatch the several zombie hollows here and cross the bridge and head upward the stairs. If you have befriended the behemothic archer in Undead Settlement, he will shoot arrows in this area, only targeting enemies. If you have not made friends, you will proceed to exist a target for his arrows. Along the stairs yous volition see a dual wielding grave warden. Dispatch the enemy and at the eye, brand a right down a flight of stairs to come to an area marked past many spears stuck in the ground. In that location are several items to boodle from corpses here, including Young White Branch 1x, Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler 2x, Repair Powder 2x, Undead Bone Shard 1x.

Render up the stairs and head right and correct again down a brusque staircase to notice another staircase leading up into a bedroom. Inside the chamber you can loot a corpse for a Curse Ward Greatshield. If you travel downward the stairs here y'all will come to a ladder, which you lot can kick downward and descend. At the bottom, you can exit to the outside and if you go straight yous will come to an area patrolled by a zombie hollow. Almost hither you lot can approach a structure with several small windows, ane of which is open. Loot a Titanite Shard 1x from the corpse in the open window. Inbound this window leads back to the blaze. Instead, if you descend downwardly and to the right from here you will come to an surface area with both a large and normal Crystal Lizard. Upward a narrow hill hither you tin can observe a tree with a corpse that holds a Titanite Shard 1x

Back in the expanse with the Crystal Lizards, in the corner y'all will a narrow passageway from which y'all can enter into a dark room where y'all volition find a writhing rotten flesh. In this room, you can boodle a corpse for the Poisonbite Band. If you go out this area nigh the building, you will observe another Crystal Lizard and a corpse along the wall with a Titanite Shard 1x. Caput down the stairs to come across some other writhing rotten flesh. To the left another writhing rotten flesh waits in the water. On a small mound, by a tree stump to the left you will discover a Saint-tree Bellvine. Ahead volition be writhing rotten flesh in the water.

Keep down the watery path until you come up to a colina on the left. Go up and left into the building and climb the alpine ladder you kicked downwardly earlier. Leave the building and continue ahead up the primal staircase. Around the corner to left, y'all tin can find Rusted Coin x2 backside some boxes. To the right you can loot a Red Problems Pellet from a corpse. Beyond you volition encounter several hollows, 1 with a spear and shield, one self-igniting rushing hollow and 1 above firing arrows at you. If you caput down yous tin cross some broken pathways to a roof across with a hollow self-igniter. On a balcony here, you volition detect a hollow and a corpse with a Soul of an Unknown Traveler. When you arroyo this corpse, hollows volition clamber over the balcony and attack.

Continue downwards a narrow stretch of the roof and to the landing where 3 archer hollows and a spear and shield hollow lie in expect. After dispatching them, brand the short, piece of cake jump to the slanted rooftop reverse the one yous came down. This leads back to the rooftop where two more gremlin hollows are ready to driblet downwards in deadfall. From here you can drop downward onto a flat rooftop merely beneath where you volition detect 3 gremlins ready to ambush you if you had taken the normal path instead. To the far correct side of this rooftop you can see a gremlin hanging on the slanted rooftop ready to ambush you if you grab the detail beneath. Take a swing at information technology from the rooftop if you tin or only drib down and take care of it to loot your Scarlet Problems Pellet. Head down this path until you come up to several hollows in worship by a large Evangelist. Yous can loot a corpse hither for an Undead Hunter Charm 3x.

Head back down to the landing and brand a left to go down the walkway. Describe out the hollow wielding a Halberd and fight him alone, one gremlin hollow will leap out from the doorway to your left (and 2 from the rooftop if you didn't acceleration of them before). If you caput into that room, you will see more of the gremlins on the ceiling waiting to drib down and attack. You tin loot a corpse hither for a Soul of a Nameless Soldier 1x. Exit this room and head left to see iii hollows resting. If attacked from a distance they will throw Undead Hunter Charms at you earlier attacking. Head upward the next staircase into a room where ii dual wielding grave wardens lurk. If you caput up the staircase here, you will encounter 2 of the self-igniting hollows. At the top of your stairs, proceed and to your left will be a seated hollow. At the end of this path you will find several hollows kneeling. A corpse will have an Ember 1x. An axe-wielding hollow will spring out at you here from the left.

Beyond is a large double door that you can open up and enter. Downwards a short flight of stairs, you will see a tunnelway on the left. In that location is a tar blob down this tunnel. Down the hallway volition be a corpse with a Duel Charm 1x. In the adjacent room, three undead will assail you.

Proceed to the next area, where yous tin either make a left to a lift or correct into a doorway. If y'all accept the lift on the left down and go along down the hallway you will come to a grated door which you lot can open and exit to the outside, leading to double doors into the building that you tin open to unlock the shortcut to the Bonfire.

Getting Past the Giants

Make your mode back upward the lift and enter the doorway. Down a long staircase you will come to a room with an Evangelist. On a balustrade outside the room is a corpse with a Deep Precious stone. Return up the stairs to defeat a tar enemy and step exterior to enter a key chamber with a massive giant who attacks yous. Notation that these giants can be killed and are guaranteed to driblet a Large Titanite Shard, but you might miss it permanently if you don't pick it up before either dying or reloading the area. You shouldn't fight him here; instead, wait until you go down to the bottom of the large room where it is easier to kill him. You can dodge his attacks (or render to the top of the stairs and stand in the eye of the dais until he starts to attack, so retreat a moment and accept swipes at his hands). Navigate the perimeter of the area, being mindful of enemies here. Forth the way you can loot corpses for a Soul of a Nameless Soldier 1x, and Lloyd'south Sword Band. The behemothic can easily kill you in i hit then exist aware of his positioning at all times. On a corpse hanging over the edge y'all will observe Exploding Commodities 6x.

Proceed dodging the giant'due south swipes until y'all arrive at a doorway to a staircase heading downwardly. Upon arriving at the outset landing, brand a left and head into the side by side room where several gremlin hollows emerge to attack. In a corner a corpse lies with Seek Guidance only beware of the tar blob that volition drop when you arroyo. Exit via the ladder in the corner and ascend to a room where an Evangelist patrols to the left. In this area is a corpse with an Ember 1x.

Return back to the staircase leading down to come to a room with a breast in front end of an chantry, except in this example it is a mimic. Defeating it or using an undead hunter charm will cause it to drop a Deep Braille Divine Tome. Take the side by side staircase downward and enter a room to face off confronting a greatshield and mace-wielding Cathedral Knight.

Notation: Giving the tome to Irina of Carim and buying the dark spells will fail her questline.

The Deep-Accursed Room

In the adjacent room, upon walking in a spider-similar Deep Accursed will drop down to assault. To brand this fight easier, run back to the archway of this room and attack it from the doorway. Defeating it will earn Aldrich'south Sapphire. In this room you lot can loot an Ember 1x. Exit this room dorsum from where yous came and enter the next doorway to enter the large open area where the giant is. If you lot are in Ember Form, Longfinger Kirk (one of the Fingers of Rosaria) will invade when you enter the room. Be conscientious equally he can hit hard. One time taken care of, he'll reward you with a Spiked Shield and Barbed Straight Sword.

In front of you lot will be a lever, if pulled it will raise a divider. Nearby there is a cathedral knight and some gremlins, with poison h2o spewing fountains forth these walkways. Yous can loot a corpse in a corner here for a Soul of an Unknown Traveler. Continue down the stairs, open a grated door and continue until y'all reach a double door. Open up it and you will find a lift. Don't have the elevator and continue to some other double door, which opens a shortcut to the Blaze.

Go back in the room with the giants. The one in the corner on your left (the i that has not attacked yous) will be surrounded by tans and several corpses that can be looted for Drang Shoes, Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler 1x, Pale Tongue 1x, and Drang Armor and Drang Gauntlets. Backside a colonnade y'all will too detect the Drang Hammers.

Nearby the other giant y'all can loot the Maiden Set up from a corpse here as well as a Soul of a Nameless Soldier. Make your way advisedly to the large double doors hither and open up them to reveal a big staircase downward. At the bottom of the stairs is some other prepare of double doors which you tin open to exit to the exterior. Directly ahead on a corpse along the railing you volition notice Saint Bident. To the right at the end of a broken staircase you volition detect Homeward Os 2x.

Ensuring the Meeting with Patches

It's worth noting that taking the path along the rafters will preclude Unbreakable Patches from making an appearance later in the cathedral (See Rosaria'south Section). To encounter patches surpass the behemothic in the corner, and climb the stairs on the left. This leads to a chapel-like area where y'all volition see a cathedral knight and several cleric hollows. If yous head left to the edge of this area, you will discover a corpse with an Ember 1x. There is also a cathedral knight seated in one of the pews here. Take a lift in the contrary direction of the stairs you have taken and you'll achieve a double door. Open it to open a shortcut to the graveyard and trigger his spawn, then reload the area and come up dorsum. Go along your path along the stairs, and you'll be in a room with a corpse with a Duel Charm 3x and Siegward of Catarina. Siegward will talk nigh a treasure and tell you to walk over the narrow span. Walk the bridge and in the eye, a cutscene will trigger.

Finding the Rosaria's Fingers Covenant

Now return to the lift beyond the double door nearby the last shortcut y'all opened to the bonfire and have information technology up to encounter a crossbow-wielding enemy. Step exterior and take the narrow ledge on the left around the corner to discover a ladder. Take the ladder upwardly to take out a red-eyed foe and take the wood plank ramp out to obtain the Deep Ring. Y'all tin can driblet down to the narrow roof hither and accept it up where a thrall will emerge to attack you. Follow this path to the left and at the stop y'all volition encounter an axe-wielding enemy on the right. Make your style back in the opposite management to meet a halberd-wielding enemy. If you take 1 of these narrow rooftops down to the tower at the stop, you will find a corpse with Arbalest on information technology. Return to the principal path and at the end, yous will discover a thrall enemy in front of a corpse with a Pale Natural language 1x. Another thrall will climb the wall and attack you hither.

In the middle of this wide ledge, take a doorway inside to come onto a serial of curved rafters, where several thralls expect to assault. A cathedral knight is also present on a platform here (exist careful, he can cast Emit Forcefulness). A corpse along the wall here can be looted for a Blessed Gem.

Make your way dorsum across the rafters and on the right-hand side (opposite from where y'all came in) you will come across a ledge that you can driblet down to. The ledge is being guarded by two cathedral knights, the furthest i has a ranged weapon and the closer one will endeavor to follow you down if non killed. It is a scrap of a driblet and will have some of your health, and then make sure you're healed upward before taking the plunge. From this platform you can drib downward to another landing and ahead will encounter a casting worm where several more than hollow worms volition attack. They are weak to burn so pyromancy like Fire orb is helpful. There is a lever here you can pull.

Head upwards the stairs through the doorway to encounter several more worm enemies. At the end of this room, yous can attack a seemingly unhostile enemy who drops the Red Sign Soapstone.

Through a cleaved portion of the gate here, open the double doors to enter a room with a Bonfire. In this room you'll discover the Armor of Thorns Set on a trunk well-nigh the back if you have been invaded past Longfinger Kirk. Also in this room is a bedchamber at the cease, where you will meet Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth the leader of the Rosaria's Fingers Covenant. This is the standard invasion covenant, every bit well as where you can notice stat reallocation and appearance alteration services.

Note: Joining this covenant has implications for other NPCs and their Side Quests, so if you are attempting a specific playthrough please consult those pages to assist with your decision making. For example, giving a Pale Tongue to Rosaria will neglect Sirris of the Sunless Realms questline.

At that place'southward a lever outside Rosaria's Bedchamber, and Unbreakable Patches volition be standing here if you have progressed things properly (a reload may be necessary). Activating information technology, raises the narrow bridge that leads to the graveyard.

Towards the Catacombs

Cathedral of the Deep Maps

Cathedral of the Deep Map 1
Cathedral of the Deep Map 2
Cathedral of the Deep Map 3
Cathedral of the Deep Map 4

Video Walkthrough

Cathedral Of The Deep Walkthrough Part 1

Part two (Second Shortcut to Boss Fight)

Cleansing Chapel Bonfire to First Shortcut

Speed Run Walkthrough

A fast walkthrough of how to get to the end of the level the fastest, picking upwardly only essential items goes hither.

Unlocking Cathedral of the Deep's Shortcuts

Cathedral of the Deep Speedrun (starting at Cleansing Chapel bonfire with both shortcuts)


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